I-10 Corridor Contract 1 Design-Build

Location: San Bernardino County, CA
Client: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA)
As a joint venture member, Security Paving will design and construct two Express Lanes in each direction of I-10 form the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County line to the I-10/I-15 interchange. The existing HOV lanes will be repurposed to Express Lanes. These improvements are primarily in San Bernardino County with minor improvements in Los Angeles County to accommodate the roadway transition from HOV lanes to the planned Express Lanes. The project will reconstruct and/or modify existing ramps at 10 interchanges, 7 local arterials, and 26 structures, including box culverts and new or reconstructed retaining walls and sound walls. In addition, Security Paving will coordinate with the tolling services provider to install and establish the toll lanes.