I-5/Hasley Canyon

Location: Castaic, CA
Client: Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
This interchange improvement project increased the capacity of the interchange and local roadways to improve mobility, enhance safety, alleviate congestion and delay, and accommodate planned growth while minimizing impacts on surrounding properties. The project:
- Constructed a new bridge at Hasley Canyon Road over I-5
- Modified the existing interchange by building modern roundabouts on the east and west sides of I-5
- Realigned the existing northbound on- and off-ramps and southbound on-ramp, and provided new southbound on- and off-ramps connecting to The Old Road
- Installed new traffic signals at the intersection of Sedona Way and I-5 southbound on- and off-ramps
- Widened and seismically retrofitted the I-5 bridge over Castaic Creek
Installed rock slope protection along the channel banks of Castaic Creek at the upstream end of the I-5 bridge