Yucca Loma Bridge

Location: Apple Valley, CA
Client: City of Apple Valley
This project is the first component of the overall Yucca Loma Road/Yates Road/Green Tree Boulevard Transportation Improvement Project, which will connect Yucca Loma Road in the Town of Apple Valley to Hesperia Road in the City of Victorville. The awarded construction contract extended from Kasanka Trail in the Town of Apple Valley to the Park Road intersection on Yates Road.
Security Paving constructed the new Yucca Loma Bridge, widened Yates Road from two to four lanes, installed a new traffic signal at Park Road, and constructed new soundwalls on the south side of Yates Road. The new bridge also features Class II bikeways, barrier protected sidewalk on the north side, and a barrier protected Class I bikeway on the south side. This project also constructed a new outfall for connection to the regional drainage system.